Organic Mingary

Long term mainly grazing mix
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About the mix

  • Our most popular long-term mixture

  • Inclusion of high tillering diploids leads to dense grazing swards

  • Permanent clover blend with small and medium leaved clovers ensures clover persistency under grazing and assists with palatability

  • Ideally suited to grazing but can also be cut producing leafy quality silage or hay

  • Extremely versatile mixture that can grow on a variety of soil types
  • 70% organic content

Variety Type %
Organic Astonconqueror
Organic Galgorm
Tollymore (T)
Intermediate PRG 21.3
Organic AberLee
Organic Toddington
Organic Nashota (T)
Late PRG 54.0
Organic Switch Timothy 8.7
Cosmonaut Meadow Fescue 6.7
Permanent Blend White Clover 9.3
Term Time (years)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Tetraploid (%)

Product Options

This product is supplied in multiples of 10 kg

Select Unit:

You require 15.00 kg and we will supply you 20.00 kg

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Please note these products are supplied in multiples of 10 kgs & your order has been rounded accordingly.

Silage quality and quantity for both cuts are excellent.

We have always been satisfied with the performance of the Organic Mingary grass mixture. It provides us with a lot of early grass, loads of white clover, plus fattens all our cross lambs by November. The silage quality and quantity for both cuts are excellent. In 2019, son John, won the local section of the SWSG society young farmer section with a silage analysis of: dry matter 27.1%, ME 11.4 and a crude protein of 12.1.

- John Ramsay, Whitefield, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire.

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