White Clover

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How do we get a good strike of white clover?

Soil pH is key. The sweet point is probably between 6.2 and 6.5. The traditional recommended grassland pH of 6.0 will not drive your potential N fixation. The small seed has low endosperm reserve so good seed to soil contact is essential, alongside moisture to promote germination. It should be sown no deeper than 10mm into a firm, well consolidated seed bed.

How do we get sufficient clover into a thick sward?

By reducing your nitrogen on the grass sward, it will help the clover compete and not be smothered under a carpet of grass in the high artificial N scenario. Initially the clover needs space, time and a little patience to get it well established.

Weed control, how do we deal with problem weeds like chickweed, docks & thistles?

The current lack of clover safe chemistry means we need to devise a strategy, if we think there is likely to be an issue. Leave clover out of the initial reseed and use broad spectrum herbicides, then when tidied up, look at stitching in the clover. Using a cover crop/under sowing allows more competition for weeds and in the direct seeding situation, topping the annual broad-leaved weeds at the optimum stage before they set seed.

How much nitrogen does white clover provide?

In a good mixed sward, a 20-30% stand will potentially supply the crop the equivalent of 150kg/N per ha. At today's current price this is worth around £132 per ha annually.

What is the actual feed value of clover against grass?

The D value of white clover ranges from 75-83 against perennial ryegrass at 73-78 under grazing. It produces forage with a high protein level and is a richer source of minerals (including calcium, magnesium, cobalt & selenium) than grasses. Livestock find it very palatable and digestible due to the continuous renewal of leaves and stems. Consequently, overall DM intakes are increased helping animal LWG & improved milk production/composition.

Will white clover improve my soil health?

The white clover’s deep and vigorous taproot system will help tackle soil compaction by causing more gaps between soil particles, which enhances movement of nutrients and water infiltration. Soil biology is improved with the different depths of rooting and transfer of nutrients. This increased rooting and worm activity has been very noticeable in our own mixture plots against single stand ryegrass plots.

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