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Find out more information about how to select, prepare soil for, and sow our various grass and crop seeds and mixtures, plus more.
We’re losing track of the basics! Watson Seeds carried out a soil sampling project in autumn 2014 throughout areas in the South and East of Scotland ...
Potash is often blamed for killing cows which succumb to grass staggers.
Soils are of key importance on any farm. They are a living mass containing a micro-climate of microbes, bacteria, invertebrates and nutrients which all interact to provide a medium in which crops will grow.
Soil fertility is fundamental to any grass field regardless of age or use. Soil sampling should be regularly carried out to maintain a productive field or before any reseeding takes place.
In the current uncertain climate, healthy soil is vital in reducing input costs while at the same time increasing productivity, sustainability and profitability. Assessing every field individually is important, looking specifically at fertility, soil structure and biology.
Schemes: Preparing for Sustainable Farming & SAM 1
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