Arable silage is an easy way of maximising the potential of a field when reseeding. Its ability to be removed early allows undersown grass to come away strongly whilst also providing a large crop of forage. They will produce reliable high-quality crops of silage in around 12-14 weeks and is an easy way of producing a home-grown feed with elevated protein and starch levels. The mixtures are designed to give the new grass ley every opportunity to establish and helps to smoother out any weed competition. It should be sown at 75kg/acre if sown on its own or 60kg/acre if it is going to be undersown. The field should be sown as normally with the grass sown straight afterwards followed by a Cambridge roll. The crop should be harvested when the cereal grain is at the milky to early dough phase. Ideally it should be harvested on as dry a day as possible to avoid any damage to the undersown grass. We offer a number of mixtures below.
"Arable silage provides us the opportunity to produce more home grown and ultimately more cost-effective feed on farm. Following a Watson Seeds hybrid 3 winter forage crop, the arable seed is drilled with the over-sown grass seed following with a tine harrow.
This system does 3 key things for us:
- large quantity of high quality forage for both sheep & cattle with minimal artificial fertiliser.
- a clean foggage for fattening lambs.
- reduced weed burden due to the arable component acting as a cover crop for a new grass ley; a more sustainable and traditional way of farming.
Historically grass to grass or forage crop to grass has created a perfect weed seed bed.
In August 2022 a 7 acre block that had previously been in hybrid 3, received only 600kg of 16:16:16 at establishment and produced 100 bales of arable silage or 80T fresh weight."
Jamie Halbert, Farm Manager for W & S Thomson, Bordlands Farm & Halmyre Mains, West Linton.