
Legumes are a vital component of agricultural mixtures, green manures, and game covers. With increasing environmental concern, the ability to produce sustainably is going to be pivotal to future agricultural production. The importance of legumes is clear with their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, improve soil structure and increase protein content within swards.

All Legumes Varieties

White Clover Large Leaved

White clover is a valuable and versatile legume widely used in the UK. Large leaved varieties are most suited to cutting situations
10+ years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
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White Clover Medium Leaved

White clover is a valuable and versatile legume widely used in the UK. Medium varieties can be used in both cutting and grazing situations.
10 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
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White Clover Small Leaved

White clover is a valuable and versatile legume widely used in the UK. Small leaved varieties are most suited to heavy grazing, especially with sheep.
10+ years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
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Red Clover

A high protein, fast growing legume. Red clover is one of the more popular and reliable clovers. Versatile as good source of forage and soil improver. <br> <a href=https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sfi-actions-for-nutrient-management#num2-legumes-on-improved-grassland>NUM2 Scheme Information</a>
2-3 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
up to 5
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A shorter term but still useful clover as it does well on heavier, acidic soils.
2-3 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
up to 6
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Sweet Clover

Also known as yellow blossom clover. This plant is a biennial legume mostly used for greencover or to improve diversity in specie rich leys. Deep tap root is beneficial to soil improvement.
1-2 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
up to 6
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A very useful legume that can produce good quantities of quality forage.
3-4 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
up to 35
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Birdsfoot Trefoil

A high protein yellow flowered legume often included to add diversity to herbal ley mixtures. Not as persistent and less aggressive than white clover.
4 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
Up to 5
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A rapidly establishing legume that is a useful fertility builder. More well known domestically as a spice, it can act as a deterrent to pests in brassicas as a companion crop.
1 year
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
up to 12
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Crimson Clover

A rapidly establishing annual clover. Ideal for soil improvement and cover
1 year
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
Up to 6
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Persian Clover

It is an extremely fast growing legume that is sown primarliy as a green manure but has also been used for haylage and grazing. It fixes large amounts of nitrogen quickly and provides a good biomass.
1-2 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
Up to 6
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Berseem Clover

Fast growing annual that will provide a large biomass and nitrogen fixation.
1 year
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
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Also known as Alfalfa, this plant once established can produce large quantities of high protein feed.
3-4 years
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
Up to 15
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This legume is a valuable component of many green manure mixtures but can also be sown as a monoculture.
1 year
Dry Matter Yield Potential (t/Ha)
Mainly Cutting
Dual Purpose (Mostly Cutting)
Dual Purpose (Mostly Grazing)
Mainly Grazing
Sowing Rate (Kg/Acre)
Up to 35
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