
(Sinapsis alba)

Mustard requires approximately 100 days to grow to its potential which can be in excess of a metre tall. The tall aerial growth is normally pulverised before incorporation back into the soil. A very fast growing and early maturing brassica. Ideal summer cover that holds N.


Greencover, Gamecover, Wildbird

Sowing Rate

up to 3kgs/acre



Sowing Period

March to September

Yield Potential

5t DM per ha


Not winter hardy or frost tolerant. Consideration needs to be given to companion species due to its extremely competitive nature. Early sown crops can give a large bulk that needs to be incorporated.

Additional Info

One of fastest and cheapest options for providing a green manure. Can be a host and susceptible to clubroot so should be grown after a 5 year brassica break and where a subsequent break is possible.

You can buy Mustard or in the following Mixtures:

Wild Bird Seed 1 Year

A quick establishing mixture that offers cover and an abundance of winter feed from seed bearing species.
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