Faster growing than swede but slower than stubble turnips. They produce more DM yield than stubbles and are a good option where it is too late to sow swedes.
Grazed in situ
Sowing Rate
0.2-0.3kgs (drilled) 0.75kgs (broadcast) per acre
Sowing Period
May to July
Yield Potential
5-6t DM per ha
Stock should be introduced gradually to the crop over a three week period and should be provided with an adequate runback.
What Our Customers Say
Clark Farquharson, Deuchar Farm, Fern, Brechin
“We graze from mid February through into April, a highly useful crop to put milk on ewes and give new lambs the best.”
- Clark Farquharson, Deuchar Farm, Fern, Brechin
Additional Info
Average Protein 17-18% | ME MJ/KG DM 10-11 | Growth Period 12-15 weeks
You can buy Main Crop Turnip or in the following Mixtures: