Fescue used mainly in amenity mixtures. Fine leaved and tolerant of close mowing. Stress and drought resistant. Useful companion in wildflower mixtures as a non competitive specie.
Sowing Rate
Up to 35g/sq metre in amenity mixtures
Perennial 7+ Years
Sowing Period
March to September
Yield Potential
10t DM per ha.
Normally sown as a component part of a mixture. Can be left to head which produces attractive seed heads and wispy growth
Additional Info
Average seeds per kg - 300 000. Average protein content 11%. Growth Period 20 weeks.
You can buy Chewings Fescue or in the following Mixtures:
GG1 Universal (with ryegrass)
One of our most popular mixtures for general landscaping, lawns, parkland, housing and industrial estates.