
Very Bulky, 1-2 Year Mix
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01368 840 655
About the mix

  • Fast to establish with potential to be ready to cut within 10-12 weeks
  • The inclusion of hybrid ryegrass improves the leafiness and quality of the sward
  • Extremely bulky over multiple cuts throughout the season
  • Fast upright growth habit makes it an excellent choice for silage production
  • Will respond quickly to fertiliser application

Variety Type %
Messina (T)
Italian Ryegrass 64.3
Barclamp Hybrid Ryegrass 35.7
Term Time (years)
Cutting Suitability (1-5)
Grazing Suitability (1-5)
Tetraploid (%)

Product Options

This product is supplied in multiples of 10 kg

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You require 14.00 kg and we will supply you 20.00 kg

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Please note these products are supplied in multiples of 10 kgs & your order has been rounded accordingly.

Highly productive grass ley

"I use Balvenie as a two year highly productive grass ley. I have added in some white clover to provide a nitrogen source, increase animal intakes and boost the protein content of the sward. I have kept the field down for an extra year as the stock were performing well on it, and the clover was spreading out and compensating for any grass loss. It responds well to nitrogen and was cut around the Highland Show before being utilised by the tups. It has been an excellent sward and will offer a good introduction to wheat in 2025."

- Neil Harvey Farms, Blackadder Mains, Duns, Berwickshire.

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