Balansa Clover

(Trifolium michelianum)

Very tall and vigorous clover. It has a hollow stem growing 3-6ft tall. Frost hardy with deep taproots and will fix up to 120kg N/ha.


Legume, Green Manure

Sowing Rate




Sowing Period

Spring - autumn

Yield Potential

3-8T DM/ha


When drilling ensure that a fine, firm, weed free seedbed. Ensure good seed to soil contact. If used as a green manure that can be incorporated in the soil which will boost organic matter levels.

Additional Info

It can be drought tolerant once established due to its deep roots. Balansa Clover has great nitrogen fixing capabilities. With its dense ground cover, it is efficient in controlling weeds. Balansa Clovers has an in-depth rooting system which will reduce the rate of soil erosion and increase soil structure and health. This supports biodiversity due to many pollinators and insects attracted to its flowers.

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